Cilliers & Reynders | Attorneys in Centurion, Thabazimbi and Johannesburg

How to Wind Up a Deceased Estate

Winding up an estate in South Africa is a meticulous process governed by the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965. It involves the collection and distribution of a deceased person’s assets, settling debts, and ensuring that the estate is managed according to the law and the deceased’s wishes. This article outlines the steps involved […]

Addressing Minority Shareholder Oppression: Effective Remedies

Being a minority shareholder can leave you powerless in situations where decisions are made against your wishes. Most Memorandums of Incorporation (MOIs) typically require a 75% majority vote for special resolutions to pass, regardless of your dissent. This scenario can lead to feelings of oppression and unfair prejudice. The word oppressed was derived from the […]

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